A homophone is a word that sounds like another word but has a different meaning.
These homophones all have the same sound, but are spelled differently and have a different meaning:
For example naval and navel:-
Naval - relates to ships and things nautical
A navel - also known as the belly button, it is the scar that is left in the centre of the abdomen when the umbilical cord is cut after birth.
But they are both pronounced the same. Now try and work out the correct sentences from the following tests.
You can check your answers by clicking on the 'Check Here!' button.
All the homophones have a sound file (mp3 format), just click on the play button and the file should open in your player or your browser (depending on your system set up). Oh and it's British English pronunciation.
Thanks to all our contributors:-
ad | add | aid | aide | ail | air | aisle | ale | all | alms | aloud
allowed | altar | alter | ante | anti | aren't | arms
ascent | assent | ate | aunt | awl | aye
bail | bale | ball | balmy | band | banned
bard | bare | barmy | barred | bawl
be | beach | bean | bear | beat | beau | bee | beech | been | beet
bell | belle | berry | berth | bight | birth | bite | blew | blue | boar
board | bolder | bole | bore | bored
bough | boulder | bow1 | bow2 | bowl | boy
brake | bread | break | bred | bridal | bridle
buoy | burro | burrow | bury | but | butt | buy
by | bye | byte
cache | call | calk | calve | cannon | canon
carve | cash | cast | caste
caught | caul | caulk | cause
cede | ceiling | cell | cellar | cent | cereal
chased | chaste | cheater | cheetah | check
cheque | choir | chord | chute
cite | clause | claws | climb | clime
coarse | conker | conquer
cord | cored | cores | cork | course | court
creak | creek | crumby | crummy
cue | curb | currant | current
dam | damn | dane | dear | deer | deign | descent
dew | die | discussed | disgust | dissent
doe | dough | draft | draught | dual | due | duel | dye
earn | eight | ere | ewe | ewes | eye | eyelet
faint | fair | fare | farther | father | father | fate
feat | feet | feint | fete | file | fined | fir
flair | flare | flaw | flea | flee | flew | floe | floor
flour | flow | flower | flu | flue | for
fore | formally | formerly
fort | fought | foul | four | fowl | freeze | frieze | fur
genes | gild | gilt | gnaw | gorilla
grate | great | groan | grown
guerrilla | guessed | guest
gild | guilt | guise | guys
hair | hail | hale | hall | hare | haul | heal | hear
heard | heel | heir | herd | here | heroin
heroine | hew | higher | him | hire
hoard | hoarse | hole |holey | holy | horde
horse | hour | hue | hymn
I | idle | idol | I'll | in | inn | isle | islet | its | it's
jeans | kerb | key | knead | knew | knight | knot | know | knows
lain | lane | laps | lapse | laud | law | lead | leak | leant | leased | least
led | leek | lent |
Lent | lessen | lesson
liar | loan | lone | lord | lore | lumbar | lumber | lyre
made | magnate | magnet | maid | mail | main | male
mane | mare | massed | mast | mayor
meat | medal | meddle | meet
metal | mettle | might | mind | mined | miner | minor
missed | mist | mite | moan | moiré | moor
moray | more | morning | mourning
mown | murderess | murderous
muscle | mussel
need | new | night | no | none | nor | nose | not | nun
oar | oh | one | or | ore | our | owe
packed | pact | pale | pail | pain | pair
paltry | pane | pare | pause | paw | paws
pea | peace | peak | peal | pear | pearl | pedal | peddle
pee | peek | peel | peer
phial | pi | pie | piece | pier | pique | place | plaice | plain | plane
poor | pore | pores | poultry | pour | pours
pray | prey | principal | principle | prise | prize | purl
quay | queue | quire
racket | racquet | rail | rain | raise | rale | raw | raze
read1 | read2 | real | red | reed | reek | reel | reign | rein | retch
rhyme | right | rime | ring
road | roar | rode | roe | role | roll | root | rote | rough
route | row | rowed | ruff | rung | rye
sail | sale | sauce | saw
scald | scene | scent | scold
sea | sealing | seam | see | seed | sell | seller
seem | seen | sent | serial | set | sett | sew
shear | sheer | shoe | shoo | shoot | shore | sight | site
so | soar | some | son | sole | sore | soul | source
sponges | spongers | stair | stake | stalk | stare
steak | steal | steel | stork | succour | sucker
suite | sum | summary | summery
sun | sundae | Sunday | sure | swat | sweet | swot
tacked | tact | tails | tales | talk | tare | taught | taut
tea | team | tear1 | tear2 | teas | tease | tee | tees | teem | there
their | they're | threw | throne | through | thrown | thyme
tide | tied | tier | time | tire | to | toad | toe | toed | told | tolled | too
torc | torque | tort | torte | tow | towed
troop | troupe | two | tyre
urn | use
vain | vale | vane | veil | vein | vouches | vouchers
waist | wait | waive | war | warn
waste | wave | way | weather
weak | weal | weald | wear | week | weigh | weight
we'll | wheel | where | whether | whey
which | whine | whither| wither| whole | wield | wine | witch
won | wood | wore | worn | would | wreak | wretch
wring | wright | write | wrote | wrung | wry
yaw | yew | yews | yore | you | your | you're
Do you know any more homophones? Please post them on the forum, or send them to me via Facebook or on the Google Plus Page, or any other way you think will reach us.
Homophone #1 - Test It
cereal serial
Homophone #2 - Test It
place plaice
Homophone #3 - Test It
tale tail
Homophone #4 - Test It
son sun
Homophone #5 - Test It
peal peel
Homophone #6 - Test It
toe tow
Homophone #7 - Test It
pair pare pear
Homophone #8 - Test It
altar alter
Homophone #9 - Test It
bolder boulder
Homophone #10 - Test It
pain pane
Homophone #11 - Test It
pray prey
Homophone #12 - Test It
bow bough
Homophone #13 - Test It
caught court
Homophone #14 - Test It
bare bear
Homophone #15 - Test It
vale veil
Homophone #16 - Test It
tide tied
Homophone #17 - Test It
suite sweet
Homophone #18 - Test It
paw poor pore pour
Homophone #19 - Test It
sew so sow
Homophone #20 - Test It
to too two
Homophone #21 - Test It
made maid
Homophone #22 - Test It
saw soar sore
Homophone #23 - Test It
ate eight
Homophone #24 - Test It
hoarse horse
Homophone #25 - Test It
knight night
Homophone #26 - Test It
warn worn
Homophone #27 - Test It
grate great
Homophone #28 - Test It
aisle I'll isle
Homophone # 29 - Test It
beach beech
Thanks to Diana Perebyinis
Homophone # 30 - Test It
mail male
Thanks to Diana Perebyinis
Homophone # 31 - Test It
peak peek pique
Thanks to Rita
Homophone # 32 - Test It
allowed aloud
Thanks to Rita
Homophone # 33 - Test It
sail sale
Homophone # 34 - Test It
bread bred
Homophone # 35 - Test It
hole whole
Homophone # 36 - Test It
heard herd
Homophone # 37 - Test It
groan grown
Homophone # 38 - Test It
hall haul
Homophone # 39 - Test It
missed mist
Thanks to Rita
Homophone # 40 - Test It
lead led
Thanks to Rita
Homophone # 41 - Test It
sea see
Thanks to Alessandra Binotti
Homophone # 42 - Test It
him hymn
In memory of Rita
Homophone # 43 - Test It
aye eye I
In memory of Rita
Homophone # 44 - Test It
hair hare
In memory of Rita
Homophone # 45 - Test It
main mane
In memory of Rita
Homophone # 46 - Test It
laps lapse
In memory of Rita
Homophone # 47 - Test It
higher hire
In memory of Rita
Homophone # 48 - Test It
which witch
!Note - In some areas and dialects "wh" is still pronounced "hw".
Homophone # 49 - Test It
brake break
Thanks to Diana Perebyinis
Homophone # 50 - Test It
die dye
Homophone # 51 - Test It
know no
Thanks to Shannon
Homophone # 52 - Test It
berry bury
Thanks to Diana Perebyinis
Homophone # 53 - Test It
ewe yew you
Homophone # 54 - Test It
road rode rowed
Thanks to Amber Smith
Homophone # 55 - Test It
muscle mussel
Thanks to Shannon
Homophone # 56 - Test It
read reed
Thanks to Alessandra
Homophone # 57 - Test It
heroin heroine
For Elfish
Homophone # 58 - Test It
pause paws pores pours
Thanks to Matt Newman
Homophone # 59 - Test It
knew new
Homophone # 60 - Test It
be bee
Thanks to Isobelle Introna
Homophone # 61 - Test It
war wore
Thanks to Jed Curl
Homophone # 62 - Test It
pail pale
In memory of Rita
Homophone # 63 - Test It
for fore four
In memory of Rita
Homophone # 64 - Test It
cite sight site
In memory of Rita
Homophone # 65- Test It
steal steel
Thanks to Daniela Todinca
Homophone # 66- Test It
buy by bye
Thanks to Jed Curl
Homophone #67 - Test It
fair fare
Thanks to K. Shanmaganthan
Homophone #68 - Test It
ail ale
Thanks to Wolfgang Korschan
Homophone #69 - Test It
flour flower
Thanks to Diana and Rada Perebyinis
Homophone #70 - Test It
swat swot
Thanks to Nancy for the correction.
Homophone #71 - Test It
blew blue
Thanks to little Wendy
Homophone #72 - Test It
berth birth
Thanks to Priyanka
Homophone #73 - Test It
canon cannon
Thanks to Diana Perebyinis
Homophone #74 - Test It
rain reign rein
Thanks to Jessica
Homophone #75 - Test It
their there they're
Thanks to Amber and Gaartsen
Homophone #76 - Test It
bean been
Thanks to Phani, Amber and Wolfgang Korschan
Homophone #77 - Test It
peace piece
Thanks to Yoli and Ramon
Homophone #78 - Test It
dew due
Thanks to K. Shanmuganathan
Homophone #79 - Test It
ad add
Thanks to Derek
Homophone #80 - Test It
plain plane
Thanks to Diana and Rada Perebyinis
Homophone #81 - Test It
read red
Thanks to Abdelhadi Azrhirh, WK and Dar plus a couple of
anonymous contributors. (It's about time I added this one.)
Homophone #82 - Test It
knows nose
Thanks to Tabatha Connor
Homophone #83 - Test It
pea pee
Thanks to Jessica
Homophone #84 - Test It
loan lone
Thanks to Shannon and Dar
Homophone #85 - Test It
clause claws
Thanks to Matt Newman
Homophone #86 - Test It
one won
Homophone #87 - Test It
meat meat
Thanks to Matt Newman and Diana Perebyinis
Homophone #88 - Test It
wood would
Thanks to Jed Curl
Homophone #89 - Test It
heal heel
Thanks to K. Shanmuganathan
Homophone #90 - Test It
air ere heir
Thanks to Wolfgang Korschan
Homophone #91 - Test It
some sum
Thanks to Abdelhadi Azrhirh
Homophone #92 - Test It
earn urn
Thanks to K. Shanmuganathan
and Bulldawgsgirl
Homophone #93 - Test It
bail bale
Thanks to Mirza Mohsin
and Wolfgang Korschan
Homophone #94 - Test It
draft draught
Thanks to Jorge for the correction
Homophone #95 - Test It
succour sucker
Thanks to Dar
Homophone #96 - Test It
right rite wright write
Thanks to Dar and Sonia Sánchez
Homophone #97 - Test It
weak week
For Sahjokala
Homophone #98 - Test It
threw through
Thanks to Ramona and Sonia Sánchez
Homophone #99 - Test It
hear here
Thanks to Sonia Sánchez
Homophone #100 - Test It
stalk stork
Thanks to Dar
Homophone #101 - Test It
bight bite byte
Thanks to Milly
Homophone #102- Test It
tacked tact
Thanks to Bulldawgsgirl
Homophone #103- Test It
ball bawl
Thanks to Charome Johnson
Homophone #104 - Test It
doe dough
Thanks to Maggie G
Homophone #105 - Test It
bard barred
Thanks to Wolfgang Korschan
Homophone #106 - Test It
mare mayor
Thanks to Max Jean-Pierre
Homophone #107 - Test It
way weigh whey
Thanks to Charone Johnson, Angie and Dar
Homophone #108 - Test It
idle idol
Thanks to Chloe, Tafika and Cherie
Homophone #109 - Test It
it's its
Homophone #110 - Test It
waist waste
Thanks to Sophia, Dar and Nicole
Homophone #111 - Test It
root route
Homophone #112 - Test It
principal principle
Homophone #113 - Test It
ring wring
Homophone #114 - Test It
knot not
Thanks to Wendy Mirbod
Homophone #115 - Test It
gait gate
Homophone #116 - Test It
boy buoy
Homophone #117 - Test It
dear deer
Homophone #118 - Test It
all awl
Homophone #119 - Test It
pedal peddle
Homophone #120 - Test It
knead need
Thanks to Dave LA
Homophone #121 - Test It
weather whether
Thanks to Wendy Mirbod
Homophone #122 - Test It
hour our
Thanks to Cheyenne Stenger
Homophone #123 - Test It
currant current
Thanks to Sam Blowers
Homophone #124 - Test It
metal mettle
Thanks to J Weseman
Homophone #125 - Test It
flaw floor
Homophone #126 - Test It
flew flu flue
Thanks to Dar, Mollie and Gabriel
Homophone #127 - Test It
flea flee
Thanks to Dar and Nancy Jones
Homophone #128 - Test It
cheater cheetah
Thanks to Dar
Homophone #129 - Test It
cache cash
Thanks to Dar
Homophone # 130 - Test It
stair stare
Thanks to Dar and B. G. Silva
Homophone # 131 - Test It
check cheque
Thanks to Dar
Homophone # 132 - Test It
tire tyre
Thanks to Dar
Homophone # 133 - Test It
genes jeans
Thanks to Allie
Homophone # 134 - Test It
key quay
Thanks to Dar and Naomi Gross
Homophone # 135 - Test It
weal we'll wheel
Thanks to Dar
!Note - In some areas and dialects "wh" is still pronounced "hw".
Homophone # 136 - Test It
hew hue
Thanks to Dar
Homophone # 137 - Test It
board bored
Thanks to Cheri
Homophone # 138 - Test It
cue queue
Thanks to Dar
Homophone # 139 - Test It
might mite
Thanks to Dar
Homophone # 140 - Test It
sauce source
Thanks to Dar
Homophone # 141 - Test It
seam seem
Homophone # 142 - Test It
cell sell
Thanks to Casey Fellows
Homophone # 143 - Test It
shore sure
Thanks to Francisco Ortega Gutierrez
Homophone # 144 - Test It
in inn
Thanks to Kaylin
Homophone # 145 - Test It
choir quire
Thanks to Prwfylld
Homophone # 146 - Test It
find fined
Thanks to Justin Millman
Homophone # 147 - Test It
oar or ore
Thanks to Brynn Doughty and Emily
Homophone # 148 - Test It
morning mourning
Homophone # 149 - Test It
moor more
Thanks to Brynn Doughty
Homophone # 150 - Test It
none nun
Thanks to Dar
Homophone # 151 - Test It
tea tee
For Elmira
Homophone # 152 - Test It
vain vane vein
Thanks to Nancy Jones
Homophone # 153 - Test It
but butt
Thanks to Taylor and Smile
Homophone # 154 - Test It
troop troupe
Thanks to Julie
Homophone # 155 - Test It
hoard horde
Homophone # 156 - Test It
scene seen
Thanks to Nishi Gupta
Homophone # 157 - Test It
sole soul
Thanks to Wendy Mirbod
Homophone # 158 - Test It
tear tier
Homophone # 159 - Test It
coarse course
Homophone # 160 - Test It
team teem
Homophone # 161 - Test It
medal meddle
Thanks to J Weseman
Homophone # 162 - Test It
hail hale
Thanks to R. J.
Homophone # 163 - Test It
rough ruff
Thanks to R. J.
Homophone # 164 - Test It
gorilla guerrilla
Thanks to Harv Pastunink
Homophone # 165 - Test It
told tolled
Thanks to Harv Pastunink
Homophone # 166 - Test It
shear sheer
Thanks to Mari
Homophone # 167 - Test It
rye wry
Thanks to Heidi R
Homophone # 168 - Test It
guise guys
Homophone # 169 - Test It
role roll
Thanks to Nancy Jones
Homophone # 170 - Test It
formally formerly
Homophone # 171 - Test It
guessed guest
Homophone # 172 - Test It
mind mined
Homophone # 173 - Test It
aren't aunt
Homophone # 174 - Test It
balmy barmy
Homophone # 175 - Test It
calve carve
Homophone # 176 - Test It
farther father
Homophone # 177 - Test It
fort fought
Homophone # 178 - Test It
laud lord
Homophone # 179 - Test It
wait weight
Homophone # 180 - Test It
cause cores
Homophone # 181 - Test It
raise raze
Homophone # 182 - Test It
cellar seller
Homophone # 183 - Test It
ante anti
Homophone # 184 - Test It
flair flare
Homophone # 185 - Test It
ascent assent
Homophone # 186 - Test It
aid aide
Homophone # 187 - Test It
leant lent Lent
Homophone # 188 - Test It
rung wrung
Homophone # 189 - Test It
retch wretch
Homophone # 190 - Test It
pearl purl
Homophone # 191 - Test It
rhyme rime
Homophone # 192 - Test It
rail rale
Homophone # 193 - Test It
real reel
Homophone # 194 - Test It
beat beet
Homophone # 195 - Test It
beau bow
Homophone # 196 - Test It
waive wave
Homophone # 197 - Test It
ceiling sealing
Homophone # 198 - Test It
cent scent sent
Homophone # 199 - Test It
moiré moray
Thanks to Janii.
Homophone # 200 - Test It
chased chaste
Homophone # 201 - Test It
chute shoot
Homophone # 202 - Test It
paltry poultry
For Rosemary and Thyme
Homophone # 203 - Test It
rote wrote
Homophone # 204 - Test It
peer pier
Homophone # 205 - Test It
chord cord cored
Homophone # 206 - Test It
lessen lesson
Homophone # 207 - Test It
boar bore
Homophone # 208 - Test It
liar lyre
Homophone # 209 - Test It
dual duel
Homophone # 210 - Test It
fate fete
Homophone # 211 - Test It
cast caste
Homophone # 212 - Test It
tare tear
Homophone # 213 - Test It
bole bowl
Homophone # 214 - Test It
lain lane
Homophone # 215 - Test It
curb kerb
Homophone # 216 - Test It
talk torc torque
Homophone # 217 - Test It
summary summery
Homophone # 218 - Test It
taught taut tort torte
Homophone # 219 - Test It
floe flow
Homophone # 220 - Test It
descent dissent
Homophone # 221 - Test It
teas tease tees
Homophone # 222 - Test It
sundae Sunday
Homophone # 223 - Test It
weald wield
Homophone # 224 - Test It
toad toed towed
Homophone # 225 - Test It
wear where
Homophone # 226 - Test It
ewes use yews
Homophone # 227 - Test It
massed mast
Homophone # 228 - Test It
cede seed
Homophone # 229 - Test It
faint feint
Homophone # 230 - Test It
throne thrown
Homophone # 231 - Test It
vouches vouchers
Homophone # 232 - Test It
bell belle
Homophone # 233 - Test It
call caul
Homophone # 234 - Test It
law lore
Homophone # 235 - Test It
leased least
Homophone # 236 - Test It
conker conquer
Homophone # 237 - Test It
shoe shoo
Homophone # 238 - Test It
prise prize
Homophone # 239 - Test It
roe row
Homophone # 240 - Test It
oh owe
Homophone # 241 - Test It
fir fur
Homophone # 242 - Test It
foul fowl
Homophone # 243 - Test It
band banned
Homophone # 244 - Test It
scald scold
Homophone # 245 - Test It
gnaw nor
Homophone # 246 - Test It
slay sleigh
Homophone # 247 - Test It
feat feet
Homophone # 248 - Test It
whine wine
Homophone # 249 - Test It
dam damn
Homophone # 250 - Test It
gilt guilt
Homophone # 251 - Test It
climb clime
Homophone # 252 - Test It
gild guild
Homophone # 253 - Test It
caulk cork
Homophone # 254 - Test It
thyme time
Homophone # 255 - Test It
dane deign
Homophone # 256 - Test It
lumbar lumber
Homophone # 257 - Test It
racket racquet
Homophone # 258 - Test It
leak leek
Homophone # 259 - Test It
sponges spongers
Homophone # 260 - Test It
alms arms
Homophone # 261 - Test It
yaw yore your you're
Homophone # 262 - Test It
packed pact
Homophone # 263 - Test It
whither wither
Homophone # 264 - Test It
creak creek
Homophone # 265 - Test It
eyelet islet
Homophone # 266 - Test It
magnate magnet
Homophone # 267 - Test It
freeze frieze
Homophone # 268 - Test It
raw roar
Homophone # 269 - Test It
disgust discussed
Homophone # 270 - Test It
burro burrow
Homophone # 271 - Test It
file phial
Homophone # 272 - Test It
bridal bridle
Homophone # 273 - Test It
stake steak
Homophone # 274 - Test It
miner minor
Homophone # 275 - Test It
crumby crummy
Homophone # 276 - Test It
moan mown
Homophone # 277 - Test It
reek wreak
Homophone # 278 - Test It
murderess murderous
Homophone # 279 - Test It
pi pie
Homophone # 280 - Test It
rose rows
Homophone # 281 - Test It
mews muse
Homophone # 282 - Test It
set sett
Homophone # 283 - Test It
holey holy
Homophone # 284 - Test It
colonel kernel
Homophone # 285 - Test It
draw drawer
Homophone # 286 - Test It
mewl mule
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