English dictation

Dictation - The Wedding Feast - Part 2


Play the .mp3 files (they are large so be patient).

1. Just listen. I will speak, quite quickly, in a natural voice.

2. Listen and write I will speak more slowly.

3. Listen to the first file again - Check and make any corrections you think necessary.

4. Check what you have written.














Dictation Text - The Wedding Feast - Part 2


The bride invited her father to the wedding feast, without telling him that she was his daughter. All the dishes were prepared without salt, and the guests began to murmur.

"Ah," said the bride's father "salt is truly the sweetest thing in the world! But when my daughter said so I threw her out of my house. If only I could see her again and tell her how sorry I am!"

Drawing the bridal veil from her face, the happy girl went up to her father and kissed him. And properly salted dishes of fish, flesh, and fowl were then brought in, and all the guests were very happy.

The End.

Check for

punctuation - , . ' ! etc...

Each mistake = 1.
Do not count the same mistake twice.
If you get 5 or more mistakes do the dictation again.

Give us feedback, suggestions, or just let us know how you get on here.
Problems with punctuation - check here.
Problems with spelling - check here.