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Learn English Grammar

Possessive Adjectives and Possessive Pronouns

Person Possessive Adjective Possessive Pronoun
1st (singular) my mine
2nd your yours
3rd (female) her hers
3rd (male) his his
3rd (neutral) its its
1st (plural) our ours
3rd (plural) their theirs

Possessive adjectives are used to show ownership or possession of something, the possessive adjective comes before the noun.

Possessive pronouns are used instead of a noun.

For example:

  • I own a laptop. = It is my laptop. (Possessive adjective)
  • I own a laptop. = It is mine. (Possessive pronoun)
  • David owns a black bike. = It is his bike. (Possessive adjective)
  • David owns a black bike. = It is his. (Possessive pronoun)
  • The Queen lives in a palace. = It is her home. (Possessive adjective)
  • The Queen lives in a palace. = It is hers. (Possessive pronoun)
  • The dog has a collar. = It is its collar. (Possessive adjective)
  • The dog has a collar. = It is its. (Possessive pronoun)
  • You are using a computer. = It is your computer. (Possessive adjective)
  • You are using a computer. = It is yours. (Possessive pronoun)
  • We have English lessons. = They are our English lessons. (Possessive adjective)
  • We have English lessons. = They are ours. (Possessive pronoun)
  • Manchester United own a football ground. = It is their football ground. (Possessive adjective)
  • Manchester United own a football ground. = It is theirs. (Possessive pronoun)

!Note - Its - possessive - there are no apostrophes. If you write 'it's', it's short for "it is".

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