Dictation - New Year's Resolutions
Normal - Listen
Slow - Write
Play the .mp3 files (they are large so be patient).
1. Just listen. I will speak, quite quickly, in a natural voice.
2. Listen and write I will speak more slowly.
3. Listen to the first file again - Check and make any corrections you think necessary.
4. Check what you have written.
Dictation Text - New Year's Resolutions
Another year has passed, and not only have we failed to lose weight, but we haven't taken up all those hobbies we said we would.
At the end of each year, we get a burst of clarity, all of a sudden we can see what needs fixing, both in our business and personal lives. Then, we choose the perfect day to begin - January 1; a holiday for most of us, and a day that might include a late start due to a late night. What a lousy day to begin a new routine.
Check for
punctuation - , . ' ! etc...
Each mistake = 1.
Do not count the same mistake twice.
If you get 5 or more mistakes do the dictation again.
Let us know how you get on in the forum.
Problems with punctuation - check here.
Problems with spelling - check here.