Practices the formulation of sentences
by Lynne Hand
Enough pens/pencils and a clean sheet of A4 paper.
Players are each given a piece of paper. Each player begins by writing a male name at the top of their piece of paper. The player then folds the writing so that the next player cannot see the name and hands it to the next player in the circle.
The next player then writes a female name. They then also fold over the paper over again so their writing cannot be seen, and pass it on again.
The next player then writes the name of a place. They then fold over the paper and pass it on.
The next player then writes whatever they would like the male character to have said. They then fold over the paper and pass it on.
The next player then writes something they would like the female character to have said. They then fold over the paper and pass it on.
The next player then writes an action for the male character. They then fold over the paper and pass it on.
The next player then writes an action for the female character. They then fold over the paper and pass it on.
The next player then writes the end result of the whole story.
You or a student then unfold(s) the paper and read(s) out the story.
A boy (name 1) met a girl (name 2) in/at (place).
He said to her (sentence 1) so she said to him (sentence 2).
So he (action 1) and she (action 2).
The consequence was (consequence).
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