Have Fun Learning English
English Recipes
Traditional English Recipe - Tomato Soup

Ingredients - For 4 people
I kg tomatoes
1 tbsp butter
1 sprig of fresh tarragon (dried if you can't get fresh)
1 litre of chicken stock
Sugar, sea salt and cayenne pepper to taste
4 tbsp Creme Fraiche
12 leaves of fresh basil
- Chop the tomatoes.
- Fry the chopped tomatoes gently in the butter.
- Add the tarragon and enough stock to cover the tomatoes.
- Add salt and pepper to taste, stir well and cook until the tomatoes are disintigrating.
- Strain the soup into another pan and then add the chicken stock.
- Reheat the soup and simmer until it's the right consistency stirring ocassionally.
- Add sugar, salt and pepper to taste.
- Serve with a swirl of Creme Fraiche and garnish with the fresh basil leaves.
To chop: To cut food into small even-sized pieces using a knife or food processor.
To garnish: To add a small decoration, often edible, to a savoury dish just before serving to enhance its finished appearance.
To simmer: keep a liquid just below boiling point, usually in a pan on the hob, e.g. simmer the sauce until it starts to thicken.
To stir: To agitate an ingredient or a number of ingredients using a hand held tool such as a spoon.
To strain: To pass wet ingredients through a sieve to remove lumps or pieces of food, eg strain the stock to remove any small pieces of meat.